Tuesday, June 3, 2014

An Open Letter To the Future Foot Zoners of Washington State

Dear Reader,

Is it you? Are you the one?

I’ve learned some amazing things over the past year, and for a few months I’ve felt strongly that I need to bring these things “home” to Washington. There is someone that needs these tools in their life and either knowingly or unknowingly is crying out for help.

Well, I got the message, and I’ve realized that this cry for help is from more than just one person. I know there are many people that will benefit from the knowledge and skills I have to share. But even if it were just one person, it would still be completely worth it.

I want to come out and do some mini classes and foot zones again so that you can see how passionate I am about this as well as feel my love and concern for you and desire to share these gifts and help empower you to be the amazing person you are. But it isn’t feasible to come out soon enough, so I hope you can feel my love for you and passion for this topic through my writing.

The August boot camp isn’t being held just for money or ego. I know the founders of Family Foot and I know myself. It is being held because there are people that are in need of these tools. I’ve been able to be a transition person and share these skills with my family and friends, as well as strengthening my own life. But I can’t be everywhere at once. I want to help other people do the same. Are you supposed to play such a role in your circle?

If you are feeling pricked in your heart and know that this is the path you are supposed to take, as I did when my friend first introduced me to some of these healing tools, go ahead and scroll to the bottom for a link to sign up for the class. If you are still uncertain, read on and search inside yourself to determine if this is the path for you. It isn’t right for everyone, so don’t feel guilty or a need to make excuses if this isn’t your path. But if you are still on the fence, I hope I can help you decide which side you belong on so you don’t have to wonder and worry, not to mention I would hate for you to miss such an opportunity.

My Story

Almost a year ago, my friend and neighbor was offering some free classes at her home. They were mostly about emotional health and well-being. Considering myself to be emotionally stable and not in real need, I thought to myself “I want to support my friend, and even though I don’t need these tools, maybe I can learn something I can share with my friends who do!” One night, she announced that the next class would be about reflexology. My husband had always been inclined to natural things, and after the pregnancy and birth of our son, not to mention repeated disappointments with Western medicine’s methods, I had become pretty gung ho about such things myself. It was mini class for a small fee but my husband and I felt it would be worth it for both of us to attend.

When we showed up, the class consisted of the teacher’s mom, my husband, and me. Having been unable to find a babysitter, our baby played on the floor nearby. The teachers talked about the opposition they had felt as they prepared for this class. They recognized that the strong opposition--providing many excuses to quit or cancel--was a sign that this class was important. Even though other people had planned to come, the three of us (plus two teachers and a toddler) were the only ones there. But we were worth it to our teachers, and I knew the money we paid had nothing to do with our value.

The class was interesting and enlightening. I was excited about understanding how the foot related to the rest of the body even though I was still uncertain about the emotional connections they were making. But the most exciting part was how I felt. As my husband and I pushed our stroller around the block on our way back home, I was practically giddy. The teachers had shared an offer for a discount on an upcoming boot camp and I knew that that was what I was supposed to do.

I had never had a foot zone before, and still didn’t even totally comprehend what it was and what it entailed, but I believed that the body is capable of healing itself and that these tools would help me to take better care of our family. I have a BA in Music Education, and I love music and realize its power, but I could already tell that I would be able to be even more passionate about taking care of myself and my family with these tools. So despite what seemed like a big cost, I signed up for the class that night and invited lots of friends and family that might be interested.

When the time for the boot camp finally arrived, I was excited to go and learn. My cousin came with me and by the time the second day of class ended, we both knew we wanted to continue further. What we had learned in two days was sufficient to help ourselves and our families, but we wanted to do more, and more importantly, we both felt that that was the right path to take.

A year ago, signing up for a $250 class for two days seemed like a big sacrifice. Being gone all day would be the longest I had ever left my baby (he was 1 ½ years old). For a frugal young family like ours, the monetary price seemed like a lot too. But looking back, I have absolutely no regrets. It was worth every penny, and a lot more besides.

The changes that have come into my personal life and my family’s have been amazing. I was happy and healthy before, but I am much happier and much healthier now, and on a deeper level. I feel like I finally know how to “listen to my body” and have access to the tools to help my family heal. I used to feel confused and overwhelmed as I tried to sift through all the advice, opinions, and science that were supposed to tell me what was right and best for my health and happiness. Now, instead of relying on the expertise of those with a big online following or more schooling and experience than I have, I have powerful resources to turn to in myself and in my home. I feel empowered and realize who I am and what I can do. I still refer to other sources and have many that I trust, but the confusion has been swept away.

Here are a few examples of ways learning foot zoning has changed my life.
  • Last time my toddler was throwing up, I was able to identify the root causes, help get the natural healing energy going where it was needed, and know what to do to prevent and treat this from happening again. All in less than the amount of time it would have taken to drive to the nearest doctor and back (that doesn’t even include actually going in, just the driving).

  • A teenager I know was feeling overwhelmed with school and stress. I offered her a foot zone and she was able to leave feeling better and be back to her usual, happy self.

  • When my husband gets off a stressful phone call, I’m able to give him a foot zone to help drain out the stress so he doesn’t have to keep it inside where it might build up.

  • If I feel off balance or a little off, I’m able to identify the root cause and get rid of the problem instead of just treating symptoms. All without spending a dime.

  • My friend was having what she called a “bad mom” week. She had some inner turmoil, and those around her were suffering for it. I gave her a foot zone and she immediately felt happier, lighter, and ready to handle problems better.
This is just a small sampling. Yes, I’ve done more than the two-day boot camp, but I didn’t need to continue on to have the basic, fundamental skills. It just happened that the Family Foot Reflexology boot camp was a turning point in my life that has started me on an amazing path and I am continually taking in and learning more about such things. What seemed like a sacrifice initially turned out to be the gateway to more happiness, health and abundance in my life.

Why I Love Family Foot Reflexology

Let me talk a little about Family Foot Reflexology. If you want to know details about where they started and their mission, you can check out their webpage. I just want to tell you why I think they are awesome and why I am proud to be affiliated with them and what they represent.
  1. They focus only on light and truth. And they encourage students and practitioners to do the same. There is a lot of bad things in the world, many of which give the good things a bad name. But there is a lot of light and truth too. Family Foot only shares light and truth. They embrace and share the good and wonderful things and teachings that are available to us. If you feel like there are some gaps in your knowledge and understanding about life, the universe, and everything, come to a boot camp. If you feel like you have a good understanding already but you want to spend two days in an environment that will bring you closer to your higher power and able to know yourself better, come and see.

  2. There are awesome, genuine people! The first class I went to was taught by Amber and Allison, the founders of Family Foot. They are incredible people. But they aren’t the only ones. I love being around amazing, like-minded people. You are coming to this class because you are supposed to be here and because you are awesome, whether you realize it or not. I promise that you will meet and get to know other people that will be able to add to your life. It is amazing how attached you can get to a group of strangers in just two days. And if you already know people there, you are going to love and appreciate them even more.

  3. The price is unbeatable. I dare you to find a similar program with a better deal on the class. A two-day class is accessible to many people that might not be able to handle a long, drawn out course. And you will be paying such a low price (usually $350) when similar programs are charging thousands of dollars. I’ve found lots of programs that cost more than $3,000 (10x more than Family Foot). I don’t believe that those programs are at all superior to Family Foot, just more expensive and complicated. Take two days to learn skills and knowledge that can change and bless your life, your family, your health, your friends, and others around you forever. The training you will receive is worth thousands of dollars, and even includes some things other classes don’t! But Family Foot seeks to be accessible to everyone. To get a little perspective, I spent more money on a vacuum cleaner. It is an awesome vacuum cleaner, but the vacuum can’t make my husband’s colds a fraction of the time and intensity they used to be. A vacuum doesn’t help me know what my baby’s problem is when he doesn’t have the vocabulary to tell me. And a vacuum doesn’t bring the deeper level of health and happiness that comes from knowing and understanding how your body and soul work together. Even if a vacuum could do those things, it isn’t as portable and long lasting as knowledge and skills that require only your healing hands.

Why Not Jump In?

If you still don’t know if this is for you or not, consider this. Right now, you are wherever you are at in life. Chances are that when August 8-9 rolls around, things will be pretty similar. But a decade from now, your life may be in a different spot. The whole world may be in a different spot. I promise you that the skills you can gain will be valuable and useful as soon you learn them. You can go home at the end of the second day and start taking better care of yourself and your family.

I believe that such valuable skills and knowledge will one day, in the not too distant future, be not only valuable, but vital. Do you want to learn now so you can empower yourself and others and have time to practice, or do you want to wait and take the chance that you don’t need it or can learn later? You can take the class now and enjoy these things for the rest of your life, or you can make excuses and wonder what you could have gained.

Like I said earlier, I realize that this path isn’t for everyone. There are plenty of good, worthy paths that I haven’t taken because they aren’t right for me, even though I’m glad to know others that have. But if this is your path, if you feel it is where you are supposed to be, don’t let the opposition tell you otherwise. I promise this will be worth it to you, and I promise that anytime you go down the path you are supposed to be on, God takes care of you, no matter how hard the adversary fights against you. So don’t be afraid to do what you are supposed to do and be who you are supposed to be. And if Family Foot Reflexology is part of that path for you, I look forward to seeing more of you. I’m excited to play a part in helping you become empowered to be the awesome person you are meant to be.

I’m doing everything in my power to make this a success. I know that this class is supposed to happen. We need a minimum of 15 people signed up, and I know that there are at least that many people prepared and needing these tools in their life. I’ve set up the class and am arranging the details. I’m praying for those of you that are supposed to be in this class that you may know it and sign up and not let the adversary thwart your progress. But I need your help. I can’t force you to sign up, even if it is the best thing that will ever happen to you and will change your life forever. You need to take the time to register.

Special Deal!!!

To make it even easier to decide, and to do it now, we are offering an incentive. Usually this kind of offer would be in conjunction with a mini class or for Black Friday. I can’t be there this week to share my love and appreciation with you, but I hope I was able to show just as much enthusiasm through writing. (And if you don’t like reading or computers, be glad that you can take the boot camp in person!)

If you enroll this week, you will save $50 because the class is only $199. As an added bonus, I’ll throw in a free foot zone ($50 value!) and Amber and Allison will give you their Peace, Power and Prosperity summer training series on how to grow your business with an emphasis on doTERRA (a $150 value!). Convinced yet? Click here to register (http://familyfootreflexology.com/event-registration/?ee=12).

Other People’s Price
Family Foot Reflexology Boot Camp List Price
Bonus Material

Special Offer For Boot Camp, Summer Training and Foot Zone

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