Saturday, February 7, 2015

Recipe: Teething Biscuits

I got this recipe from my grandma, who got it from the Amish cook book. It was great when Critter was teething, then we threw some extra ones in the freezer. Now his teeth are all grown in, but he opened the freezer one day and decided he wanted to eat these "donuts". They are healthy, simple and effective.

I like to make the recipe extra healthy by using rapadura sugar and fresh ground flour. That is also all we have on hand so its easier. These are nice because they are hard enough to be good for teething, and sweet enough to keep their attention.

This recipe makes approximately 12 durable and relatively crumb proof teething biscuits. If you make them too thin, like I did the first time, it makes quite a few more but they still work.

2 eggs
1 cup sugar
2-2 1/2 cups sifted flour

Break eggs into a bowl and stir in one direction until creamy. Add sugar and continue stirring in the same direction. Gradually add flour into the mixture and continue stirring until mixture is stiff.

Roll out dough with a rolling pin, between 2 lightly floured sheets of wax paper, to a thickness of 3/4 inch.

Use a drinking glass and a salt shaker to cut out doughnut shaped. Place cookies on a lightly buttered cookie sheet. Let formed cookies stand overnight (10 – 12 hours).

Bake in preheated over at 325 degrees until lightly brown and hard.

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